
Podcast | How to Recover After a Hard Running Race

By October 20, 2016Podcast

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In podcast episode 10:

  • We chit chat about the new format of the Chicago Marathon, the Chicago Cubs, and the South of France Running Cruise [00 – 9:05]
  • How to recover after a hard running race [9:06 – 20:50]
  • How to transition to indoor running safely and maintain outdoor fitness. [20:51 – 28:23]
  • Why aches and pains can occur at the start of a training season. [28:24 – 40:10]
  • How to prevent and relieve the pressure of an inflamed toenail. [40:11 – 44:00]
  • Learn why you should join the Holiday Challenge! [44:01 – 46:26]

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One Comment

  • Jennifer says:

    Made the mistake of listening to the rest of this podcast (the toenail part) while eating my lunch at work. Oops. But I am loving these podcasts!

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