
#AskCoachJenny The Number One Mistake Runners Make with Long Runs

By August 26, 2017Podcast

In this episode I share the number one mistake I see runners make this time of year with your long run training. I also talk about how I deal with taper madness and answer two great questions on how to adjust long run schedules a few weeks or months out from the race, and why training by minutes versus miles can be effective.

Thanks for the listen!

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  • Yvonne says:

    Hi coach Jenny. I’m in trouble. I am doing Berlin marathon, Chicago and marine corps.
    I have a pain in my left calf. Had massage and resting and doing run walk. I realize I’ve put too much but I want to do these races. I live in Florida and it’s so hot that I do not want too do any more fall marathons after this year. I want to enjoy these runs. I have a 20 mile run next week as the last long run. Should I just run walk for 3 hours or try to go for the 20. Will that be enough? I’m doing a 14 mile tomorrow and no run today. Leg is feeling better. This heat and humidity has been terrible and I was getting burned out but now that I am only 4 weeks to Berlin I’m getting excited. Love your podcas. Thank you

  • Catherine says:

    Thank you so much for this wonderful podcast! It is so informative and entertaining. I look forward to it and get so excited when a new episode comes out.

  • Ray says:

    Hi and thank you for sending out the podcast. It is really interesting to hear the issues that more advanced runners have and how to grapple with them. I just finished my first 10K event with the help of another podcast series you took part in (Podrunner “Freeway to 10K”) and really value your advice.

  • Esther Alva says:

    Hi Coach Jenny, Thank you for this podcast. I’ve found the information of distance vs. time really helpful, and also reinforcing the idea that we should run by feel. I completed my first Marathon last spring using your Run/Walk program. Over the last four months I’ve focused on strength and agility training and now am starting back up again and running a 10K on Sunday. I’m definitely out of running shape, but can see how those strength and agility/cardio workouts have really kept me in overall shape. I look forward to training for my next marathon (spring again) and hope that this time I can progress from the 4/1 run/walk intervals to the 5/1 intervals. Again, thank you for such a great podcast and website! I hope to do your alaska running cruise someday!

  • Becky says:

    Hi Jenny, thanks for all your tips and advice. I’m now up to 20 miles a week – a lot of walking and some running but getting there!!


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