Free Tips For Running Your Best Life

I know your email is likely busier than the expressway at rush hour which is why you’ll only receive emails from me when I have something important to share.

Speaking of sharing… When you sign up, I’ll share with you a free running class with the 7 secrets every runner should know (incl. mp3 that you can download and listen to on your run).


Here’s what other subscribers say:

I’m already finishing my second week of zero-to-running and I feel great. This taking it slow is apparently the right way of starting to run. I had tried it before, but I didnt know how to handle it and I ended up with knee pains and a tired mind.

I just wanted to say thanks for creating such a useful newsletter and sharing your experience with us new and potential runners!

Andrea Rangel, Maracaibo, Venezuela

This email is EXACTLY what I needed! Especially those check points, specifically #2 🙂 I’m running the Chicago Marathon, my first.

Love the recurring dream! After I signed up for the marathon, I had a dream that I had two days to run it but was having trouble following the course, it went down twisty slides and around farms – madness. The first day I’d only run a 5K. On day two, at mile 9, I ran past a theater and decided to go in and watch a movie. When it was done, the day was half over and I was only at mile 9. I’m hoping there isn’t a theater at mile 9 😉

Thanks for all the advice and support you offer your readers!!

Candy Johnson